TAHS Potluck & HY&T Program
News source from listserver@tampicohistoricalsociety.com:
Greetings members and friends of Tampico Historical Society.
The annual potluck is coming up Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2012, at 6 PM in the Tampico Community Building. Gene Wright will entertain us following the meal with a program on the HY&T “The Dummy” Train. Everyone is invited to come join us. If you don’t want to come for the meal (dish to pass and own table service), then come later for the program – about 6:45 PM. Also, if any of you are not already Life Time Members, then your annual dues should have been paid in May of this year, but so far, none have come in. The Tampico Historical “listserver” sends all this information out as well, but in case you have forgotten, please send a check to P O Box 154; Tampico, IL. 61283. Any questions, feel free to contact me at 815-622-8705 or e-mail back. Looking forward to seeing you or hearing from you.
Joan Johnson, President/Treasurer
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Whiteside County Family Histories
News source from listserver@tampicohistoricalsociety.com:
NEW WHITESIDE COUNTY HISTORY BOOKS – Don Mulnix will be collecting family histories and/or book orders next week. If you have not mailed him your biography(ies) yet, please do so asap or drop them off at the Reagan Birthplace (Mon-Sat. 10-4 & Sun. 1-4). If you need a brochure, pick them up in Tampico at KICKBACK SALOON, R&B DUTCH DINER, REAGAN BIRTHPLACE/MUSEUM or PNB/Tampico – or email Don: donald s. mulnix dsm_1944@yahoo.com
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News source from listserver@tampicohistoricalsociety.com:
Hello everyone, Yesterday I sent an announcement asking that everyone consider “pre-ordering” their new Whiteside Co. History Books through the TAHS because we would receive a % of sales. Don Mulnix, co-coordinator of this project corrected me as follows:
“We will be getting a percentage of the pre books sold, it will not be decided on how many books any one society sold, but the money will be divided between all the societies weather they sold one book or 100 books. After the pre sale is over, you will be able to purchase any number of books to sell thru your society and the money you make on them is yours. . . . ”
“I am available to answer all questions, as co-chairman, from any one, whether they live in Whiteside County or out of county or state. All they have to do is e-mail me [Don Mulnix] at dsm_1944@yahoo.com or call me at 1-815-772-3107.”
“One problem we have been running into are the pictures submitted. We need the original or a good copy, which will be returned at no cost to them, or they can e-mail the picture to me at dsm_1944@yahoo.com. They must be at lease 300 DPI and in gray scale, that way I can down load them onto a jump drive. Also we will accept up to three family histories from any one person but only one picture. If they want a picture for each family it will cost $15 for all additional picture.”
I hope I have helped to clarify some of the instructions. Please direct all of your questions on this project to Don Mulnix to avoid any confusion in the future.
Family History Coorodinator
815-590-2143President, Joan Johnson, 815-622-8705, garyjoan@thewisp.net or reaganbirthplace@thewisp.net
New Whiteside County History Books
News source from listserver@tampicohistoricalsociety.com:
If you live in Whiteside County, IL, you should have received a brochure in the mail explaining this project to publish a new Whiteside County History Book. If you did not receive one or if you live outside of Whiteside County, but have “history” here, please contact me and I will mail you one. I can email in pdf format if you prefer.
We need histories of your family in Whiteside County. Of course, we want to see Tampico well represented. It does not matter if your family is/was here for 10 years or 100 years. Fifty years from now, YOU will be the history. Please share. The brochure will explain the number of words & photos allowed at no charge.
If you choose to purchase the book as well (not necessary to add your history), please consider ordering through the Tampico Historical Society. We will receive a small % of sales that are submitted from the TAHS. You can pick up a brochure at the following Tampico businesses:
Kickback Saloon
R&B Dutch Diner
The Ronald Reagan Birthplace & Museum
The Tampico Area Historical Society (open by chance or appt)
The PNB bankDrop off orders & histories at the Reagan Birthplace, open 7 days/week, M-F, 10a-4p & Sun, 1p-4p.
I’m looking forward to seeing Tampico well represented, so please, send in your histories. The brochure will have contact #’s for any questions, etc.
News for THS – Fun-Match at Tampico
News source from listserver@tampicohistoricalsociety.com:
Fun-Match at Tampico
Tampico Historical Society is planning their annual “fun” – Matching Fund Raiser with Royal Neighbors of America – Mexican Train Dominoes – Saturday, April 14 – Doors at Tampico Community Building open at 6 PM, with play beginning at 6:30 PM. Low score prizes will be awarded, as well as door prizes being drawn between games. Refreshments will be served. $5.00 donation to play – Tampico Community Building is handicap accessible. Everyone is welcome to come join us. For more information, please contact Joan Johnson @ 815-622-8705 or garyjoan@thewisp.net
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News for THS – New Whiteside Co. History Book
News source from listserver@tampicohistoricalsociety.com:
FYI – The Whiteside County Genealogical Society is in the process of creating a new County Book. Details are still in the process. Representatives visited the TAHS at our last meeting to give us an update. They will be doing a direct mailing in near future, asking you for your family history. They are allowing up to 500 words and one photo at no charge. Don stressed that you do not have to have generations of history in the county (They already have bios on them). If you, or direct relatives, have participated in the betterment of your community, then they want to add that to our history, regardless of how long you have lived here. Start thinking about who/what you would like to submit and start looking for that family picture to submit. If you opt to write more than 500 words or want to add more than one photo, they will have a fee schedule for that. Don Mulnix of WSCG Society is in charge of this. dsm_1944@yahoo.com
Denise McLoughlin
Family History Coordinator
Tampico Area Historical Society
815-590-2143Joan Johnson, President
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News for THS
News source from listserver@tampicohistoricalsociety.com:
Greetings Historical Society Members:
Please plan to attend the March 27 meeting. Come EARLY!. A representative from Monsanto plans to be here to present the check which Duane applied for and we have been granted. This will be a BIG boost to our treasury and we are grateful to Duane and Monsanto!! Other important items will be discussed, including the new Whiteside County Historical Book and preparations need to be made for the Annual Mexican Train Domino nite to be held Sat, April 14. We will need donations of food and members willing to help with set-up and raffles, etc. Also, remember, the Cemetery Walk isn’t that far away either, so if you have ideas, be sure to present them. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND. WE NEED OUR MEMBERS PARTICIPATION. Give me a call, especially if you are unable to be here Tuesday evening. Thank you,
Joan – 815-622-8705 or garyjoan@thewisp.net
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News of THS Fundraiser
News source from listserver@tampicohistoricalsociety.com:
Greetings Members & Friends of Tampico Area Historical Society;
The annual “fun” fund raiser – matching funds with Royal Neighbors of America will be Sat., April 14. Mexican Train Dominoes will be played in the Tampico Community Building with play starting at 6:30 pm. Low score prizes and door prizes will be awarded. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you are unable to attend, the Society will be most grateful for your donation,which can be sent to PO Box 154, Tampico, IL 61283. The time for renewal of dues is coming up and if you haven’t sent yours in, please consider doing so at this time. Remember, A Lifetime membership is currently available for $50.00 for anyone 50 or over and yearly dues are still $10. single or $15 family. = There is always a need for funds to keep the Museum open as well as supplies for the genealogy and research departments, plus maintenance of the building. We sincerely thank you for any donation you are able to make at this time, and look forward to seeing you on April 14, if possible. If you have questions, please feel free to contact me – Joan Johnson, Pres/Treas – 815-622-8705 or garyjoan@thewisp.net.
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Lost Your Ancestors? Get an Old Map!
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1872 – Illinois, Whiteside County, Prophetstown Twnship |
Maps are wonderful works of art and technology. Imagine not having a map or GPS navigation system today. We would still be able to get around, but when we had to travel “long” distances, this would prove to be a challenge, if we had not been there before (or were unable to stop and ask for directions, like most men have been stereotyped).
Having a map helped our ancestors get from the east coast to the west coast, but early on, they were known as “guides”. These intrepid early explorers actually followed the footsteps of the native Americans, over terrain that had been used for hundreds of generations.
In the 17 and 18th centuries, old trails were turned into roads, and turnpikes, which then helped early settles travel west. When the trains started, they too followed along many of the old trails, again building on what went before.
When researching your family, it is very helpful if you can find an old map from the same time period. This allows you to see a number of things, important to your search. For example, if in the mid 19th century, a person living in Virginia would have very few choices to travel out west to the lands beyond the Mississippi. Therefore, a period map would show likely paths they took on their adventure. Being able to immerse yourself in the time period will help you find more details about them.
Having a period map can also help show the distances they were from towns and cities. The further they were, the riskier it was and the more self-sufficient they had to be.
Maps also show counties, which changed over time, and thus the county seats also shifted. This may help you with roadblocks, after looking in every corner of the county court house, you might want to try the county closest to where they lived, but with an old map, you can tell what might have changed.
Other important points of a period map were cemeteries and churches. Over time, these landmarks have disappeared or were moved (yes, cemeteries get moved as do churches) or forgotten and returned back to the ground.
I have walked a few cemeteries that were not on a modern map, but were pretty prominent on a map from the past.
You can usually find old maps in libraries, court houses, websites like ancestry.com, and on retail sites. I will talk more about maps and their use in Genealogcial terms, at a later post.
Until then, if you lost your ancestors, get an old map and it will improve your chances of finding them, if not realizing better the challenges of daily life for them.
Located at 33.4313N and somewhere West of the Mississippi river.
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